Buh-bye 2020! Hello 2021!
It is always refreshing to know that the past is behind us, and that we have the ability to start anew! I don’t know about you, but we’re pretty excited about it.
2021 Memberships
A new year means it’s time to renew your membership! This year is full of changes, and that includes the membership process. This year we are offering a fully online process for JCARC membership applications and dues.
Don’t forget that you must renew in order to have membership privileges! That includes being able to vote on important club decisions.
How this is going to work: Click the Membership button below, or navigate to the Membership page on our website. This is where you fill find the pertinent details, and the online application.
Not already a member? Join us!
As of current, we are not hosting any in-person meetings. We are still meeting online via Zoom, and will continue to do so until further notice. We are hopeful that we will be able to resume in person meetings soon.
Pay attention for meeting reminder emails – those contain the links and information you need in order to join the Zoom call. You will be receiving one this week with details for our January meeting.
Website Updates
Have you noticed something different about our website? Some major changes have occurred! The 501c3 status has allowed us access to more resources, including the ability to start moving more of our processes online. It’s pretty exciting!
Now please don’t be too quick to judge… the website is still a work in progress! Some colors may seem off, and there might be a few place holders, but we’re getting there, and we appreciate your patience!
New and Coming Soon Features:
Online Membership & Payments
Not only are you able to fill out the membership application online, but we are now able to accept online payments! This includes dues and donations.
Member Accounts
You will notice a new option that allows you create an account on our website. This is not required, but will be more helpful in the future as we add features to our website. You can create one at any time, so don’t feel pressured to do so now.
You already are receiving our emails for announcements, but soon they’ll be posted to our website as well. That way if you feel you’ve missed something, you can also check there for any announcements or emails you may have missed.
Make sure to always keep up with announcements, especially as we get further into this new year. We’ll do our best to make sure they get to you!
“Here’s to the year past and friends who have left us. Here’s to the present and the friends who are here. Here’s to the New Year and the new friends who will join us.”
Emily Post
Thank you all for being a part of the Johnson County Amateur Radio Club!
73s, and have a wonderful day!
Destiny, KG5MRD, Club Secretary