ARRL Field Day is Saturday, June 22nd, 1800 UTC through Sunday, June 23rd, 2059 UTC. All are welcome to participate whether through our club, another group, or on your own! You can check out more information about the ARRL event here:
The Johnson County Amateur Radio Club will participate in the event, and all are welcome to attend!
You do not need to be a club member or have your license yet!
*** You do NOT need an RSVP to attend! ***
Please view the important details below.
- Location: Johnson County EOC, 810 E Kilpatrick St., Cleburne, TX 76033
- The event is in the Emergency Management building ONLY.
- Please be mindful of the new Communications Center next door.
- Time: 1:00 p.m. ~ 9:00 p.m. CST (Until we stop operating!)
- Dinner will be provided; Brisket and Fixings
- 5:00 pm ~ish
- Members, please RSVP to reserve your plate!
- This is so we can get a head count and make sure you get some!
- It’s brisket, y’all. Low and slow, so we need to know.
Want dinner? RSVP here! –>
This event will be inside an accessible air conditioned building. Come on out!
More Details!
We will have a station(s) available for contesting operation. We have plenty of control operators to assist those who are not licensed or those who wish to access bands outside their current license.
Let us know, and we will get you on the air!
Schedule of events:
2:00 p.m. – Build a Copper Pipe J-pole with KB5YBI
4:00 p.m. – Notch, Contour, DNF, & DNR. What does that do? with K9MK
5:00 p.m. – Brisket 🤤
7:00 p.m. – If you must, Manual programming for Baofeng HT with KG5JIV
Do you have something cool for show and tell? Do you have questions about equipment? Do you have a project that you would like feedback on?
Bring it with you! Let’s have a look. 👀

Keep an eye out for another email soon regarding Tour de Goatneck!
Hope to see you at Field Day!
73s, and have a wonderful day!
Destiny, KG5MRD, Club Secretary