Mark your calendars!
Sunday, September 25th we will be having a picnic at the park! Starting at 1:00 PM (CST) at Hulen Park in Cleburne, we will have a taco lunch along with some fun radio setups to play with and demonstrate for anyone that’s curious.
- Tacos & Water will be provided by the club (feel free to bring your own drinks & snacks).
- You are welcome to bring a dessert to share!
- Bring your own lawn chair, as seating may be limited.
- Don’t forget your sunscreen and appropriate clothing to have fun!
Because the club will be providing food for this event, we ask that you please RSVP so we can make sure to have enough for everyone. Tim, our wonderful club president, made some fantastic tacos at field day, and they went FAST. So make sure to RSVP to get a plate!
Another email will be sent out closer to the event with more information.
Hope to see you there!
73’s and have a wonderful day!
Destiny, KG5MRD, Club Secretary